(2020). Applications of hierarchical Bayesian cognitive modeling (dissertation). eScholarship, 0zh727fz.
(2020). A cognitive modeling analysis of risk in sequential choice tasks. Judgment and Decision Making, 15, 823-850.
(2020). Cultural consensus theory for the evaluation of patients' mental health scores in forensic psychiatric hospitals. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 98, 102383.
(2020). A joint process model of consensus and longitudinal dynamics. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 98, 102386.
(2020). Psychological well-being and personality traits are associated with experiencing love in everyday life. Personality and Individual Differences, 154, 109620.
(2020). Applications of hierarchical Bayesian cognitive modeling (dissertation). eScholarship, 0zh727fz.
(2020). A cognitive modeling analysis of risk in sequential choice tasks. Judgment and Decision Making, 15, 823-850.
(2020). Cultural consensus theory for the evaluation of patients' mental health scores in forensic psychiatric hospitals. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 98, 102383.
(2020). A joint process model of consensus and longitudinal dynamics. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 98, 102386.
(2020). Psychological well-being and personality traits are associated with experiencing love in everyday life. Personality and Individual Differences, 154, 109620.